Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Sunday, November 29, 2009
8eiko SMS part 2!!!!
ma poios ta stelnei auta ta sms???
ps:ena huge respect k ston skino8eti pou ta pernaei kanonika stin tv.. :p
ma poios ta stelnei auta ta sms???
ps:ena huge respect k ston skino8eti pou ta pernaei kanonika stin tv.. :p
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Asuniditi gata kataspatalaei ta xrimata twn forologoumenwn politwn
Ο Sammy ο γάτος έβρισκε κάθε μέρα στο ζεστό ταχυδρομείο του Notasulga της Alabama μια ζεστη γωνιά για να ξαποστάσει. Μέχρι που ένας πελάτης εκνευρίστηκε μόλις σκέφτηκε ότι το γατί μπαίνει σε ένα δημόσιο κτίριο ενώ δεν έχει πληρώσει ποτέ του φόρο. Γιατι λοιπόν του επιτρέπουν να μπαίνει εκεί;
Εστειλε γράμμα στη διεύθυνση του ταχυδρομείου που...
χωρίς να μπορεί να κάνει και πολλά πέταξε το γατί στο δρόμο. Οι κάτοικοι όμως δεν το δέχονται. Είναι αποφασισμένοι και θα κάνουν τα πάντα.
ps:paratiriste to tsampoukalemeno ufos tou gatou stin fotografia epeidi ton peta3an e3w apta ELTA! Einai etoimos na 3anampei mesa me to etsi 8elw..
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
while i was asleep 'n drunk.. :p
polla weird things mou exoun sumvei tin stigmi pou peftw gia upno k arxizw na oneireuomai, metaferontas ton euato mou se enan enalaktiko kosmo aneipwtwn peripeteiwn, xwmenos mesa se mia avuso drasis k sumvolikwn gegonotwn! Alla auto pou mu sunevei xtes to vradu 3eperna ka8e proigoumeno(i mean wtf dude???)!!!
imouna leei sto limani tou Volou k etrwga athkiaseros ta chips mou(foto1) otan stin akri tis 8alassas ir8e kai mou milise to gigantiaio kalamari apo to "10.000 leuges katw aptin 8alassa" tou Jules Verne!!!!!
Mou milise gia mia adianoiti istoria(pou ok oso kaloproairetos k na einai kapoios apla ARNEISAI na tin pareis sta sovara!!!) Htan leei mia ftwxi-plin omws timia- omada sto pio gklamourato prwta8lima tou planiti pou prokri8ike teleutaia k kataidrwmeni sta playoffs k etsi 8a antimetwpize tin kaluteri omada pou malista teleiwse me rekor nikwn olwn twn epoxwn ekeini tin xronia tin season!!! Fusika kaneis logikos an8rwpos oso sourwmenos k na itan prin koimi8ei dn 8a mporouse na pistepsei oti 8a eixe estw k mia elpida i omada tou kalamariou na prokri8ei!!!!
Omws o 8eos epa8e vertigo, mallon ola ta asteria ekeines tis imeres itan stin swsti 8esi k egine auto pou dn itan pote programatismeno na sumvei(foto2) kai i omada 8riamveuse!!! 3afnika i eidisi xtupise ta prwtoselida olou tou planiti kai apo ekei pou tin sugkekrimeni omada dn tin eixe akousei kaneis sto parel8on, 3afnika oloi oi celebrities tou Hollywood, san tin Jessica Alba kai tin Kate Hudson, arxisan na episkeptontai tous agwnes tis(foto3)!!!!
Enw kai o aplos kosmos gemise elpida apo to aneipwto 8auma k gemize to stadio me ena kitrino mplouzaki pou egrafe 'We Believe' kanontas etsi olo to gipedo kitrino(foto4)!!
Ti sunevei tote gigantio(san to 8auma pou mu perigrafeis) kalamari mou rwtisa kataidrwmenos mesa stin entasi tou oneirou mu??!!
Tipota mou apantise!!!!
Tipota tou 3analew????
Diladi tosi wra mou trws politimi wra oneirou(anti na vlepw tin froco gia paradeigma) g kati pou dn eixe kamia sunexeia????
Ma mou leei merikes fores to na kaneis tipota einai poli pio xrisimo apo to na spatalas tin energeia sou se kati xwris prooptiki..
Ma i omada, oi paixtes ti eginan???.. sunexisa na rwtaw!!
Efugan mou leei! Opws ginete sxedon panta se autes tis istories autos pou egkateleipse teleutaios to ploio(apo ta tote prwta onomata) itan o captain(arxigos) tis omadas legontas oti vare8ike na paizei se mia omada pou dn exei stoxo tin niki alla to tipota!
Ma itan ali8eia auto pou eipe 3anarwtisa?
Nai in a way mou eipe -twra kapws pio skeftiko to kalamari mas-(k tou Jules Verne episis!!)
In a way i said???
Nai dioti ta panta stin zwh einai 8ema katalilou timing.. prp na kaneis swsti diaxeirisi energeias wste kapoia stigmi na katafereis na petuxeis to 100% autwn pou mporeis na katafereis.. ekeini i omada dn 8a eixe prooptiki logw proxwrimenis ilikias twn tote paixtwn k protimise na xasei wste na mazepsei kainourgious k kaluterous paixtes. Etsi akrivws k stin zwh kamia fora to kalutero pou exoume na kanoume einai apla na save energie mexri na er8ei to katalilo timing, or person, or personal opportunity, or otidipote allo wste na eisai etoimos k na min afiseis tin eukairia na paei xameni epd san xazos katestrefes sto parel8on tin energeia sou xwris kamia prooptiki min mporwntas na katalaveis oti apla uparxei kai i ennoia tou katalilou timing stin zwh kai oti sto finale i zwh mas einai apotelsma twn proswpikwn mas epilogwn k oxi mia sunistwmeni tuxaiwn algori8mwn!
pardon???? algo ti???? tou eipa....
dn prolave na mou e3igisei..
to 3upnitiri eixe xtupisei k idi epsaxna na vrw sto google an ontws: a) i jessica alba eixe paei pote tis sto gipedo kai b) an ontws uparxoun gigantiaia kalamaria pou milane Ellinika!!!!
**a kai kati teleutaio! ti apeginan ekeinoi oi teleutaioi paixtes(oxi oi prwtoklasatoi) pou paremeinan stin omada k meta tin "We Believe" era?? well they became LEGENDS!! oxi epd itan oi kaluteroi paixtes..kai sigoura oxi oi pio talantouxoi..alla epd they were ALWAYS THERE!!**
imouna leei sto limani tou Volou k etrwga athkiaseros ta chips mou(foto1) otan stin akri tis 8alassas ir8e kai mou milise to gigantiaio kalamari apo to "10.000 leuges katw aptin 8alassa" tou Jules Verne!!!!!
Mou milise gia mia adianoiti istoria(pou ok oso kaloproairetos k na einai kapoios apla ARNEISAI na tin pareis sta sovara!!!) Htan leei mia ftwxi-plin omws timia- omada sto pio gklamourato prwta8lima tou planiti pou prokri8ike teleutaia k kataidrwmeni sta playoffs k etsi 8a antimetwpize tin kaluteri omada pou malista teleiwse me rekor nikwn olwn twn epoxwn ekeini tin xronia tin season!!! Fusika kaneis logikos an8rwpos oso sourwmenos k na itan prin koimi8ei dn 8a mporouse na pistepsei oti 8a eixe estw k mia elpida i omada tou kalamariou na prokri8ei!!!!
Omws o 8eos epa8e vertigo, mallon ola ta asteria ekeines tis imeres itan stin swsti 8esi k egine auto pou dn itan pote programatismeno na sumvei(foto2) kai i omada 8riamveuse!!! 3afnika i eidisi xtupise ta prwtoselida olou tou planiti kai apo ekei pou tin sugkekrimeni omada dn tin eixe akousei kaneis sto parel8on, 3afnika oloi oi celebrities tou Hollywood, san tin Jessica Alba kai tin Kate Hudson, arxisan na episkeptontai tous agwnes tis(foto3)!!!!
Enw kai o aplos kosmos gemise elpida apo to aneipwto 8auma k gemize to stadio me ena kitrino mplouzaki pou egrafe 'We Believe' kanontas etsi olo to gipedo kitrino(foto4)!!
Ti sunevei tote gigantio(san to 8auma pou mu perigrafeis) kalamari mou rwtisa kataidrwmenos mesa stin entasi tou oneirou mu??!!
Tipota mou apantise!!!!
Tipota tou 3analew????
Diladi tosi wra mou trws politimi wra oneirou(anti na vlepw tin froco gia paradeigma) g kati pou dn eixe kamia sunexeia????
Ma mou leei merikes fores to na kaneis tipota einai poli pio xrisimo apo to na spatalas tin energeia sou se kati xwris prooptiki..
Ma i omada, oi paixtes ti eginan???.. sunexisa na rwtaw!!
Efugan mou leei! Opws ginete sxedon panta se autes tis istories autos pou egkateleipse teleutaios to ploio(apo ta tote prwta onomata) itan o captain(arxigos) tis omadas legontas oti vare8ike na paizei se mia omada pou dn exei stoxo tin niki alla to tipota!
Ma itan ali8eia auto pou eipe 3anarwtisa?
Nai in a way mou eipe -twra kapws pio skeftiko to kalamari mas-(k tou Jules Verne episis!!)
In a way i said???
Nai dioti ta panta stin zwh einai 8ema katalilou timing.. prp na kaneis swsti diaxeirisi energeias wste kapoia stigmi na katafereis na petuxeis to 100% autwn pou mporeis na katafereis.. ekeini i omada dn 8a eixe prooptiki logw proxwrimenis ilikias twn tote paixtwn k protimise na xasei wste na mazepsei kainourgious k kaluterous paixtes. Etsi akrivws k stin zwh kamia fora to kalutero pou exoume na kanoume einai apla na save energie mexri na er8ei to katalilo timing, or person, or personal opportunity, or otidipote allo wste na eisai etoimos k na min afiseis tin eukairia na paei xameni epd san xazos katestrefes sto parel8on tin energeia sou xwris kamia prooptiki min mporwntas na katalaveis oti apla uparxei kai i ennoia tou katalilou timing stin zwh kai oti sto finale i zwh mas einai apotelsma twn proswpikwn mas epilogwn k oxi mia sunistwmeni tuxaiwn algori8mwn!
pardon???? algo ti???? tou eipa....
dn prolave na mou e3igisei..
to 3upnitiri eixe xtupisei k idi epsaxna na vrw sto google an ontws: a) i jessica alba eixe paei pote tis sto gipedo kai b) an ontws uparxoun gigantiaia kalamaria pou milane Ellinika!!!!
**a kai kati teleutaio! ti apeginan ekeinoi oi teleutaioi paixtes(oxi oi prwtoklasatoi) pou paremeinan stin omada k meta tin "We Believe" era?? well they became LEGENDS!! oxi epd itan oi kaluteroi paixtes..kai sigoura oxi oi pio talantouxoi..alla epd they were ALWAYS THERE!!**
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Photo Of The Week
Best photo (by far) i found lately.. long-time friend from Lebanon, Noorie!
.. long-time friend from Lebanon, Noorie!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
i dont want anotha (h) !
Angel made in Heaven all i want is ur love..
Angel made in heaven
All I want is your love
Gimme some of that action, reaction
Angel made in heaven
All I want is your love
Gimme some of that action
Found out I was standing in your firing line
You made your mark, your arrow went through me
Cut a real impression on this heart of mine
I'm loving - what is happening to me?
Angel made in heaven
All I want is your love
Gimme some of that action, reaction
Angel made in heaven
All I want is your love
Gimme some of that action
Be my lover
I don't want another
My angel from heaven
Be my lover
I don't want another
My angel from heaven
Angel made in heaven
All I want is your love
Gimme some of that action
Arrow in my heart, yeah we were meant to be
I knew it was my name you were calling
Celebration, now you're standing next to me
Show me love emotion, I'm falling
Angel made in heaven
All I want is your love
Gimme some of that action, reaction
Angel made in heaven
All I want is your love
Gimme some of that action
Be my lover
I don't want another
My angel from heaven
Be my lover
I don't want another
My angel from heaven
Angel, angel
Angel made in heaven
All I want is your love
Gimme some of that action, reaction
Angel made in heaven
All I want is your love
Gimme some of that action
Angel made in heaven
All I want is your love
Gimme some of that action, reaction
Angel made in heaven
All I want is your love
Gimme some of that action
Found out I was standing in your firing line
You made your mark, your arrow went through me
Cut a real impression on this heart of mine
I'm loving - what is happening to me?
Angel made in heaven
All I want is your love
Gimme some of that action, reaction
Angel made in heaven
All I want is your love
Gimme some of that action
Be my lover
I don't want another
My angel from heaven
Be my lover
I don't want another
My angel from heaven
Angel made in heaven
All I want is your love
Gimme some of that action
Arrow in my heart, yeah we were meant to be
I knew it was my name you were calling
Celebration, now you're standing next to me
Show me love emotion, I'm falling
Angel made in heaven
All I want is your love
Gimme some of that action, reaction
Angel made in heaven
All I want is your love
Gimme some of that action
Be my lover
I don't want another
My angel from heaven
Be my lover
I don't want another
My angel from heaven
Angel, angel
Angel made in heaven
All I want is your love
Gimme some of that action, reaction
Angel made in heaven
All I want is your love
Gimme some of that action
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Epeteiako Post.. :)
To Blog ekleise ta 2 tou xronia simera k to giortazei me ena post-afierwsi se ekeino to atomo pou itan i aformi gia na 3ekinisei to "Hollow Without You" some years ago.. :)
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Fave Quotes From Battlestar Galactica's Finalle
"listen i know u feel lost but sometimes lost is where u need to be!! And just because u dont know your destiny it doesnt mean u dont have one!"
"-all of this has happened before always ended the question remains:does all of this have to happen again?
-no this time i bet no!
-u know i've never known you to play the optimistic! why the change of heart?
-its mathematics, law of averages..let a complex system repeat itself long enough and eventually something surprisingly good will occur!!!
"-all of this has happened before always ended the question remains:does all of this have to happen again?
-no this time i bet no!
-u know i've never known you to play the optimistic! why the change of heart?
-its mathematics, law of averages..let a complex system repeat itself long enough and eventually something surprisingly good will occur!!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Song Of The Mon8!
Cold and windblown on the old bandstand
You and i walking hand in hand..
A neon glow-shining down on us..
Dont wait up for us..dont wait up for us..
Sunday, January 11, 2009
My New Site Is Now Online(tre3te na prolavete!!!-lol)!.. :p
Its time for "The Late Night Show with Pattixa"..
"pattixos and pattixa were a cast of rejects and misfits who found a new purpose under mama-pigs leadership and change their destiny"
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Quote Of The Day..
"Most of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."
Thomas A. Edison
Thomas A. Edison
Friday, June 20, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Quote Of The Day
"Otan enas diakekrimenos an8rwpos dilwnei oti kati pou fenetai api8ano mporei na sumvei tote pi8anotata exei dikio.. otan dilwnei oti kati einai adunato tote kanei la8os!"
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Otan oi alloi etrwgan velanidia o Melenios eixe zaxaro!!!!!!!
O titlos anaferetai ston prwto metrosexual ever ,Melenio Smurf, o opoios apo tin dekaetia tou 8O ekane auta pou oi upoloipoi antres kanoun simera!!!
Dioti auto pou exei simasia in this world einai na vrisketai kapoios mprosta aptin epoxi tou. ;o)
O titlos anaferetai ston prwto metrosexual ever ,Melenio Smurf, o opoios apo tin dekaetia tou 8O ekane auta pou oi upoloipoi antres kanoun simera!!!
Dioti auto pou exei simasia in this world einai na vrisketai kapoios mprosta aptin epoxi tou. ;o)
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Quote Of the Week.. =)
"if everything is just a game..then sometimes the best thing u can do is to press the reset button!
life is a lot like happens to everyone whether they like it or not..
the meaning of it all?
who gives a fuck!!!!!"
life is a lot like happens to everyone whether they like it or not..
the meaning of it all?
who gives a fuck!!!!!"
Monday, April 28, 2008
Ypsili "poihsh" Se E3edres Ellinikwn Gipedwn Mpasket!!
Σε ένα ματς που σφυρίζαν Ρήγας - Δουβής, οι ΠΑΟΚτσήδες αρχίζουν να βρίζουνε εν χορώ: «Ρήγα, γαμ.. η μάνα σου». Το διακόπτει ο Ρήγας, αυτοί πάλι βρίζουν. Το ξαναδιακόπτει, μόλις ξαναρχίζει ξαναφωνάζουν. Η τρίτη ήταν και η τελευταία, γιατί μετά το ματς θα σταματούσε οριστικά. Με το που ξαναρχίζει, οι ΠΑΟΚτσήδες αλλάζουν το σύνθημα και λένε: «Γαμ... η μάνα του Δουβή, γιατί του Ρήγα πρέπει να ξεκουραστεί»! Προχθές οι ΠΑΟΚτσήδες ακόμη κι αυτό το ξεπεράσανε. Κάποια στιγμή αρχίζουν να βρίζουν εν χορώ τον παίκτη του Αρη, τον Ηλιάδη: «Ηλιάδη γαμ... η μάνα σου». Κάποιος, όμως, τους ανοίγει τα μάτια: «Ρε μαλάκες, αυτός ο Ηλιάδης, είναι αδερφός του δικού μας του Ηλιάδη, που παίζει ποδόσφαιρο». Κανένα πρόβλημα. Επιτόπου αλλάζουν το σύνθημα κι αρχίζουν να φωνάζουν: «Ηλιάδη, Ηλιάδη, σε γαμ... ο αδερφός σου κάθε βράδυ»!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Yay to blog molis apektise official music theme.. :)
We Belong to the light
We Belong to the thunder
We Belong to the sound of the words
We've both fallen under
Whatever we deny or embrace
For worse or for better
We Belong, We Belong
We Belong together
Friday, April 18, 2008
HAHAHA! Funniest Fashion Video EVER!!!!!
Poor model falls down twice during a Vivienne Westwood fashion show.. :p
Monday, April 14, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
The Picture of Dorian Gray[fave quote and the conclusion]!!!
Quote:(Harry towards Dorian)"H omorfia einai i anwteri morfi megalofuias! Dioti oles oi epistimes exoun tous amfisvities tous k ontws me to perasma tou xronou oles oi epistimonikes 8ewries katariptontai ws lan8asmenes apo tis neoteres anakalupseis! Mono i omorfia dn mporei na amfisviti8ei k paramenei akloniti me to perasma twn aiwnwn!"
Conclusion: Looking back on his life, Dorian sees that Harry was wrong about beauty; it is not the most important thing, and if he hadn't been carried away by his own beauty he might not have gone down the path of ruin that he did. Youth and beauty are overrated, and he wishes that he could have had a good life rather than one filled with artificial art and beauty. He acknowledges that it was due to his own vain prayer that the portrait bear the burden of age and sin, and deeply regrets having made such a wish. There is no way to undo the effects of age on a beautiful face, just as there is no way to undo the effects of sin on a soul, and Dorian now realizes that the latter is the more important.
Conclusion: Looking back on his life, Dorian sees that Harry was wrong about beauty; it is not the most important thing, and if he hadn't been carried away by his own beauty he might not have gone down the path of ruin that he did. Youth and beauty are overrated, and he wishes that he could have had a good life rather than one filled with artificial art and beauty. He acknowledges that it was due to his own vain prayer that the portrait bear the burden of age and sin, and deeply regrets having made such a wish. There is no way to undo the effects of age on a beautiful face, just as there is no way to undo the effects of sin on a soul, and Dorian now realizes that the latter is the more important.
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